Federal express entry program is one of the main programs that federal government is implementing currently. First, it requires the applicants to meet the minimum requirements of EOI (Expression of Interest). Second, the language ability, education background, work experience, and age of the applicant will be evaluated using comprehensive ranking system (CRS). The applicants who earn a certain score will receive invitation to apply, and are eligible to send immigration application within 90 days.
Program Features:
- Fast: 3-6 months of processing time.
- Convenient: electronic document will be sent online which saves about three months waiting time to get confirmation from federal government.
- Safe: in 2018, federal government sent 89800 invitations. In 2019, the number is expected to increase by 6500, and in 2020, another 4400 invitations are expected.
Three Programs Under Federal Express Entry:

Federal Skilled Worker
Minimum requirements of EOI:
- Job requirement: in the past 10 years, has at least 1 year of continuous, paid, full time work within or outside of Canada that is listed as skill type 0, A or B in national occupational classification (NOC).
- Language requirement: meet the minimum score of CLB 7. Score 7 in CLB (Canadian language benchmark) equivalent to score 6 in listening, reading, writing and speaking of general IELTS =.
- Comprehensive ranking system: score 67 or higher
Applicable Group:
- Good English language skills, high education background with log working experience.
- Or the applicants who score 600 or higher in provincial nominees
- Or the applicants who pass LMIA (Labour Market Impact Assessment) and able to get 50-200 scores. Note: employers are required to submit an application for a LMIA before hiring a foreign worker. Employer will be authorized to hire a foreign worker if the employer passes the assessment.
Canadian Experience Class (CEC):
Minimum requirements of EOI
- Job requirement: have at least 1 year of, paid, full time or equal amount in part time work experience within Canada in the last 3 year before you apply. The work experience can be skill type 0, A or B in national occupational classification (NOC).
- Language requirement: meet the minimum score of CLB 7 for NOC 0 or A jobs. Score 7 in CLB equivalent to score 6 in listening, reading, writing and speaking of general IELTS. Meet the minimum score of CLB 5 for NOC B jobs. Score 5 in CLB equivalent to score 4 in reading, score 3 in listening, writing and speaking of general IELTS.
- Location requirements:you must plan to live outside the province of Quebec.
Applicable Group:
- Applicants who have at least one year working experience in NOC 0, A or B jobs.
Federal Skilled Trades (FST)
Minimum requirements of EOI:
- Have at least 2 years of full-time (a minimum of 30 hours a week) or an equal amount of part-time work experience in a skilled trade within the past 5 years before you apply.
- Language requirement: meet the minimum score of Canadian Language Benchmark 5 for speaking and listening, and Canadian Language Benchmark 4 for reading and writing.
- Other requirements: have a valid job offer of full-time employment which is authorized by LMIA, or have a certificate of qualification in that skilled trade issued by Canadian provincial, territorial or federal authority.
Applicable Group:
- For applicants with low educational background and low English language skills, but who are highly-skilled or have a certificate of qualification in skilled trade, such as electrician, construction worker, cook or pastry cook.